Winner Spedition becomes new Silver Partner of the Logistics Hall of Fame
In 2020, Gudrun Winner-Athens was inducted into the Logistics Hall of Fame as a pioneer of combined transport. Now she is actively contributing to ensuring that outstanding logistics achievements can be honoured in the future as well.
Winner-Spedition from Iserlohn is now supporting the Logistics Hall of Fame as a Silver Partner. The medium-sized family business is sending a clear signal of how important logistics is for a functioning economy. "When I was inducted as a new member into the Logistics Hall of Fame personally in 2020, it was so emotional for me that it quickly became clear to us: we would like to engage here as well," emphasises Managing Director Gudrun Winner-Athens. "Logistics needs good ideas, it needs passionate ideas. And good and passionate ideas simply deserve to be honoured and documented for the future," she adds.
With its 18 subsidiaries in Germany and its subsidiaries in Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria, Winner-Spedition focuses on Europe-wide distribution and especially on combined transport rail and road. The company employs around 550 people.
The supporters of the Logistics Hall of Fame are a network of people and companies who are committed to documenting top achievements in logistics and honouring their makers. They all have a common mission: to strengthen the reputation of logistics in the public eye and to show what logistics can achieve worldwide.