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Intralogistics specialist TGW is new network partner

The Austrian system integrator TGW Logistics Group now supports the Logistics Hall of Fame. The intralogistics specialist with around 3,500 employees recently signed a network partnership.

"As an internationally active company with a very high export quota, we see in many countries of the world the extraordinary services that are provided in logistics. With the support of the Logistics Hall of Fame, we pay tribute to personalities who have made outstanding contributions to logistics and supply chain management. The logistics experts should also be a role model for our trainees," emphasizes Harald Schröpf, CEO of the TGW Logistics Group.

The TGW Logistics Group is an internationally active provider of intralogistics solutions. The Austrian specialist has been implementing automated systems for its international customers for almost 50 years: from A for Adidas to Z for Zalando. As a system integrator, TGW takes on the planning, production and implementation of complex logistics centres - from mechatronics and robotics to control and software.

The TGW Logistics Group has subsidiaries in Europe, China and the USA and employs around 3,500 people worldwide. In fiscal year 2017/2018, the company achieved total sales of 713 million euros.

The supporters of the Logistics Hall of Fame are a network of people and companies who are committed to documenting excellence in logistics and honoring its creators. They pursue a common goal: to strengthen the public image of logistics and to show worldwide what logistics can do.




  • 24/7 GmbH
  • AEB
  • Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr
  • Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung
  • Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik
  • Bundesvereinigung Logistik
  • Deutsches Verkehrsforum
  • DSLV Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik e. V.
  • Duisburger Hafen AG
  • European Logistics Association (ELA)
  • European Pallet Association e.V. (EPAL)
  • Exotec
  • Flanders Investment & Trade
  • Fritz Institute
  • GARBE Industrial Real Estate
  • Gebrüder Weiss
  • German Association of the Automotive Industry
  • German Parcel and Express Association (BPEX)
  • Goldbeck
  • Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln AG
  • HIAB
  • impact media projects
  • International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
  • International Road Transport Union
  • Interroll Group
  • Krone
  • Lebensmittel Zeitung
  • LIP Invest
  • LOGISTIK-Kurier
  • LTG Landauer Transport- gesellschaft Doll
  • materialfluss
  • pfenning group
  • PSI Software SE – Business Unit Logistics
  • RIO - The Logistics Flow
  • RXO
  • Schnellecke Logistics
  • Seifert Logistics Group (SLG)
  • Setlog
  • SSI Schäfer
  • STILL (Donor)
  • TGW Logistics Group
  • trans aktuell
  • Wiltsche Fördersysteme
  • Winner Spedition