Arbeitsgemeinschaft Logistik-Initiativen Deutschlands supports Logistics Hall of Fame
The circle of supporters of the Logistics Hall of Fame has won a new networking partner: The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Logistik-Initiativen Deutschlands (AG LID).
In the association, the most important logistics metropolitan regions in Germany cooperate in the development of logistics in Germany. For this purpose, the large and established regional logistics networks exchange information. The "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Logistik-Initiativen Deutschlands" includes the ten regional logistics networks of Bavaria, Berlin-Brandenburg, Hamburg, Leipzig-Halle, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhine-Main and Thuringia. They coordinate common topics and projects of supra-regional importance with each other there.
"For the logistics initiatives of our working group, the theme of logistics image is part of their daily work. With the Logistics Hall of Fame, a worthy setting was created for extraordinary achievements in and for logistics. We are very happy to support these achievements in giving them more public presence", says AG LID spokeswoman Carmen Schmidt, Managing Director of the Logistics Initiative Hamburg.
Supporters of the Logistics Hall of Fame are a circle of people and companies who are committed to honouring top performance in logistics and rewarding its initiators.